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Nokia N95 Codes


Please apply these codes at your own risk! If you are not completely crazy and use them appropriately, they can indeed come in quite handy one day!

*#06# – IMEI (serial number).
Structure of the IMEI:XXXXXX (TAC) XX (FAC) XXXXXX (SNR) X (SP)
TAC = type approval code
FAC = final assembly code
SNR = serial number
SP = spare

*#0000# – phone model, firmware version and date

*#7370# or *#res0# – full phone format, wipes everything clean. default security code 12345 until changed by the user

*#7780# – phone reset, clears settings without deleting most data. default security code 12345 until changed by the user

*#7370925538# or *#res0wallet# – deletes everything in the wallet, in case of lost password

*#92702689# or *#war0anty# – lifetime timer

*#2820# or *#bta0# – displays the N95’s bluetooth MAC address

*#62209526# or *#mac0wlan# – displays the N95’s WLAN MAC address

[Green]+[def3]+[*+] – fail-safe reformat, use this as a last resort if the regular format codes do not work or if the phone won’t completely boot normally

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